Dec 22

Today is my dad’s birthday, and I have a special message I want to share with you in honor of him and of HIM.  You see, this has been an extraordinary year for our family.  Today I know my dad like I’ve never known him before, and he’s a treasure to me and every member of our family. 

I don’t normally mix birthday and Christmas greetings, but the video below hits the mark for today and Christmas.

Dad, happy birthday.  We love you very much.

To everyone reading this, we wish you a blessed Christmas.

Ron, Mona, Anna, Ben and Emily.

Enjoy the video…


Dec 18

This has been a week of celebration for us.  We’ll take turns by age and finish with a slideshow of assorted Huttons…

MonaMona is celebrating the 47th anniversary of her birth and we’re rejoicing with her.  One thing we all love about Mona is her sense of compassion.  Our last trip to the dentist office went something like this…

Mona said, “I want a tooth pulled. I don’t want gas or Novocain because I’m in a terrible hurry. Just pull the tooth as quickly as possible.”

“You’re a brave woman,” said the dentist. “Now, show me which tooth it is.”

Mona turns to Ron and says: “Open your mouth and show the dentist which tooth it is, dear.”


Anna came home from FSU last Friday to spend Christmas with us.  It’s such a treat to have Anna home.  We don’t see her nearly as much as we’d like to.  Everything just seems brighter when she’s around.





Ben celebrated his 17th birthday on Monday this week.  We are very proud of Ben.  You’ll probably notice in some of the slideshow pics that Ben towers over his mom and sisters now.  I can’t believe how fast Ben is growing up.  God has some incredible plans for Ben’s life and it’s a joy to be part of it.




Emily performed beautifully at her Christmas piano recital this past Sunday.  The event was wonderful, as usual, and this year Emily was the anchor pianist because she’s worked very hard and her teacher saved the best for last.




CLICK HERE for a assorted Hutton slideshow.

Nov 13

Yesterday was Emily’s 14th birthday; and since she loves a good joke, I’m giving her this one.  The answer is below.

Happy birthday Emily.  We love you very much.


Happy 14th Birthday Emily


Q: What’s invisible and smells like carrots?

A: Bunny farts!

Oct 17

Nice Belt







Source: Anna Hutton

Sep 03

21 years ago today I was 24 and Mona was 25.  We stood at the alter in front of a very special group of family and friends in Copper Harbor, MI, and vowed for better or worse.  We’ve had both; and today I’m beginning to understand why that’s critical to a relationship ordained by God and meant to last forever.

God knew I needed Mona to help me become the man He meant me to be.  Today I know that too better than ever.

Mona, I love you.  Thank you and happy anniversary.

Mona heard a song on the radio the other day that was a blessing to her, and she asked me if I could find it.  I did and have included it here for you too.

Turn up your speakers, click the blue Play button below, and follow along with the lyrics.  I hope this song is a blessing to you as it has been to us.


The Words I Would Say
by Sidewalk Prophets


Three in the morning,
And I’m still awake,
So I picked up a pen and a page,
And I started writing,
Just what I’d say,
If we were face to face,
I’d tell you just what you mean to me,
I’d tell you these simple truths,

Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You’re going to do great things,
I already know,
God’s got his hand on you so,
Don’t live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don’t forget why your here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,

Last time we spoke,
You said you were hurting,
And I felt your pain in my heart,
I want to tell you,
That I keep on praying,
Love will find you where you are,
I know cause I’ve already been there,
So please hear these simple truths,

Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You’re going to do great things,
I already know,
God’s got his hand on you so,
Don’t live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don’t forget why your here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,

From one simple life to another,
I will say,
Come find peace in the Father,

Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You’re going to do great things,
I already know,
God’s got his hand on you so,
Don’t live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don’t forget why your here,
Take your time and pray,
Thank God for each day,
His love will find a way,
These are the words I would say

Sep 01

Today’s a very proud day for the baby (brother) of this family.  Rod entered the Navy ROTC program at the University of Minnesota straight out of high school and his Navy career has been an inspiring series of assignments and promotions. 

Today Rod was promoted to the rank of Captain.  That is higher than Commander, the rank Rod had for the last 4 (?) years, and the next promotion will be to Rear Admiral (lower half).

I know the air must be getting thin way up at the top, but Rod hasn’t lost his sense of Huttonness, as evidenced in the following picture.

Congratulations Rod!  We are very proud of you.

Captain Rod Hutton

Jul 11

Mom, I couldn’t decide what to get you, so I got you a hat, a song, a joke and a birthday video.  I hope you have an awesome birthday.


Birthday hat…

Birthday Hat









Birthday song…


Birthday joke…

An old couple is on a walk, when a pigeon flies by and relieves himself on the woman’s head.

“Yech!” says the woman. “Get some toilet paper.”

“What for?” says the man. “He must be half-a-mile away by now.”

Birthday video…

Jul 02

Today’s Post by Guest Author, Dave Hutton

It was 23 years ago today that Dave & Dawn were blessed by God with their firstborn child, named Knucklehead #1! 

Daniel Jon Hutton arrived early at Naval Hospital Pensacola Florida.  Over the years Dan has grown into a very impressive young man!  Now Ensign Dan is a commissioned officer and is stationed in Atsugi, Japan with the US Navy and VFA-102 (the Diamondbacks).  He is a key player on the maintenance team keeping the birds in the air. 















Between 1986 and today Dan has had lots of interesting life experiences, from beginning his soccer career in Jacksonville, Florida and playing all the way through college and being named a college all-region player.  He grew to be a surfer dude during five years of living on the beach in Hawaii and translated those skills into snowboarding and being a teacher/coach at Buck Hill in Burnsville.  Best of all, he met his future bride all the way back in high school at the Sunshine Christian music festival.  They stayed together and we now have our first daughter-in-law, Alysa, who we are also very proud of. 

Dan is presently deployed with his squadron onboard the aircraft carrier USS GEORGE WASHINGTON and is celebrating his birthday with a port call in Perth, Australia.  We hope he enjoys it and know he looks forward to Alysa joining him in Japan in August.

Happy Birthday Dan!!

Jun 11

Two decades ago in a place far, far nordt of here (FL) in Brainerd, MN, a beautiful little girl became the first born of me and Mona.  This week she celebrated her 20th birthday, and we couldn’t be more proud of her.

Anna just finished her second year at Florida State University and she’s absolutely lovin’ life in Tallahassee.  It really is a very neat city.  The latest news for Anna, aside from the fact that she’s TWENTY BIG-UNs, is that she’s started a new job at Tiajana Flats.  If you like good Mexican food and are in the Tallahassee area, you’ll have to stop for a bite.

This is the first summer that Anna is living away from home, and we miss her terribly.  Whenever she comes home to visit, it’s like a holiday celebration in our home.

Happy birthday, Anna.  We love you!

Now for some pics… CLICK HERE

Jun 04

June 4, 1960 a very young couple from the Grand Forks, ND area got married.  Their names were Earl Hutton and Patricia O’Keefe, and I’m incredibly happy to say that they’re my mom and dad.

49 years ago life was a little different than it is today.  For instance, the average yearly income was $5,199.  The average cost for a new car was $2,275.  A gallon of gas cost $0.25, a gallon of milk cost $1.04, and a loaf of bread cost $0.20. 

I find it very interesting that when we hear numbers like these, we think, “Oh, the good old days.”  But were we really better off in 1960 than we are today?  Check out the little table I put together here…

So, I’m a bit off track from the real significance of today, but I do like putting things into perspective.

I’m of the opinion that we are all far better off today than we were in 1960 because life is really about relationships, not the cost of gas.  In 1960 Pat and Earl’s new family consisted of 2 people.  Today if you count kids, daughters-in-law and grandkids, the family of 2 has grown to a family of 20.  In the Bible that’s the spiritual principle of reaping what you sow.

I just noticed that the 49 year multiplier in the “cost of living” table above is roughly 10x, and the family of Pat and Early Hutton has also multiplied by 10x.  Wow.  Wierd, huh?

I wish I had some photos from 1960, but I don’t.  However, I do have a photo with mom and dad from a recent Tallahassee trip.

Lastly, I found one of the top music hits from 1960, “Save The Last Dance For Me” by The Drifters, and have included it here for your listening pleasure.


Mom and Dad, we love you very much.  Thank you for everything you’ve done for all of us over the last 49 years.