May 30

The funny thing about birthdays is they give you an excuse to share information that might not otherwise become available to the public at large.

Dave and Rod both celebrate May birthdays, and since I missed my opportunity to roast Rod on May 11, I thought perhaps Dave wouldn’t mind sharing some of the glory on his birthday, which is today.

Both Dave and Rod have had highly successful Navy careers.  Dave retired a few years ago and Rod is still “active.”  Well, active doesn’t necessarily mean you know what you’re doing or where you’re going next.  Sure, Italy is beautiful; but the Navy told Rod he couldn’t stay there forever.  When he inquired as to his next duty, they said “We’d like you to try on the last suit you’ll ever wear.”  Rod is now exploring his other options.

Happy belated 43rd, Rod.

When Dave retired from the Navy, he knew he had to acquire some new skills and hobbies.  All while we were growing up, Dave had heard that fishing was for old people, and now he qualified.  How this photo leaked at a major sporting event, no one knows.

Happy (on time) 48th, Dave.

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