Two decades ago in a place far, far nordt of here (FL) in Brainerd, MN, a beautiful little girl became the first born of me and Mona. This week she celebrated her 20th birthday, and we couldn’t be more proud of her.
Anna just finished her second year at Florida State University and she’s absolutely lovin’ life in Tallahassee. It really is a very neat city. The latest news for Anna, aside from the fact that she’s TWENTY BIG-UNs, is that she’s started a new job at Tiajana Flats. If you like good Mexican food and are in the Tallahassee area, you’ll have to stop for a bite.
This is the first summer that Anna is living away from home, and we miss her terribly. Whenever she comes home to visit, it’s like a holiday celebration in our home.
Happy birthday, Anna. We love you!
Now for some pics… CLICK HERE
June 11th, 2009 at 7:02 pm
Happy belated birthday Anna! We are all very proud of you. You are truly a beautiful and gifted young lady.
It’s a very good thing that your Dad puts more respectable pictures on your birthday blog posting than he did on his younger (looking) brother’s bday blog!
Uncle Dave
June 11th, 2009 at 7:05 pm
Happy belated birthday Anna!
You are truly a beautiful and gifted young woman!
You’re lucky your Dad put more respectable photos on your birthday blog than he did on his younger (looking) brother’s bday blog!
We love you!
Uncle Dave & the gang
June 11th, 2009 at 10:02 pm
Happy Birthday, Anna! Love those pictures…your dad does a great job! Of course, he has a beautiful subject. Emily is coming right up in your footsteps! I’ve enjoyed so much seeing how much fun you guys have as a family. Stay close!
Love to you all!